
7 symptoms of diabetes in the skin.

Síntomas de diabetes en la piel
According to the Learn Nursing channel, 90% of people who suffer from diabetes manifest the symptoms of diabetes in the skin being visible due to some type of dermatological condition, well the skin is a reflecting mirror that alerts us to the disease. That is why it is necessary to know how to detect diabetes through our body indicating undetected diabetes.
Below we will expand more on the symptoms of diabetes on the skin to provide you with more information about this treme. 
Symptoms of diabetes on the skin:
1- Acanthosis Nigricans

This first sign that receives the name of Acanthosis Nigricans is noticeable when the skin turns a dark color and its texture is similar to velvet. The areas where the condition usually manifests is the neck, the underarms or the groin, symptomatology almost always appears between 50% and 60% of patients who have not yet been diagnosed with diabetes.

Acanthosis arises due to the sustained high levels of insulin in the blood for a long time that end up manifesting this type of skin lesion.

2- Diabetic dermopathy

Diabetic dermopathy is a symptom very common being another indicator of the disease, is detected in the shin area that is below our knee through dark spots, the start of dermopathy starts with a pink tone in the spots that then turns brown. The condition is present in 30% – 60% of those with poorly controlled diabetes.

3- Sclerederma diabetic

When the skin takes on an aspect of hardening and necrosis we are in presence of sclerederma diabetic, it can see above our shoulders and neck, is a disease which usually happens less frequently as it only manifests itself in 15% of diabetes patients than have not controlled the disease well or have had a wrong diagnosis.

In this symptom the skin becomes harder and thicker than normal taking a reddish color, in the more complicated cases it can affect the movement of the upper part body and also make it difficult to breathe.

4- Granuloma annulare

If at any time you notice a reddish bump on the back of your hand, we would be in presence of a granuloma annulare, the lesion is ring-shaped and covers from 1 to 5 centimeters in diameter, also in its center shows healthy skin. The granuloma annulare usually appears in those people who have not yet been diagnosed with diabetes.

5- Eruptive xanthomatosis

The appearance of this condition is small bumps with a yellowish or reddish tone that is detected at the legs, buttocks and arms, its shape is similar to a small pea, in some cases it can also have an orange ring around it. It is a rare condition since it is only displayed in 1% of people with undetected diabetes.

6- Acrochordons

The so-called Acrochordons are very similar to warts and in most cases grows in the neck, armpits or groin areas. These noticeable bumps on the skin usually have no symptoms and it is present in 70% of people who suffer from diabetes, but have not been diagnosed.

7- Facial rubeosis

The facial rubeosis is no more than a chronic redness of the skin on the face, the condition appears abruptly and suddenly . It is usually shown only in those people with very white skin, especially in women. By maintaining high levels of glucose in the blood, the blood vessels are affected and that is why facial rubeosis appears.

After having analyzed all the possible alerts that the skin can give us regarding diabetes, it is time to be attentive in case any of them appears in our body. In case of suspicions, it is always advisable to go to the nearest doctor to receive an accurate diagnosis. 

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1 Comment

  1. Gracias a su articulo pude saber cosas que desconocía acerca de la diabetes, gracias por la información.

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