
Technological advances of 2022

Avances tecnológicos de 2022

Technology has been changing and evolving. 2022 is coming, bringing many technological advances in tow, from container carriers with sails to flying taxis, as well as social networks in which you interact from a virtual world, the metaverse. Everything we thought impossible is just one step away from becoming a reality. 

We bring you some of the technologies that will be incredible during the year due to their heyday.

Technological advances of 2022

Solar geoengineering

The solar geoengineering seeks to defer the consequences brought about by the global warming for our planet earth and for humanity. The project has been developed by a Keutsch research group, from Harvard University, called the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx).

For the test, a balloon needs to be launched into the stratosphere to release 2 kg of some material (yet to be determined), including sulfates, calcium carbonate or other components, and thus be able to create a layer (or cloud) around the planet, which helps to mitigate the effect of sunlight, and alleviate the temperature of planet earth, all of which would provide more time for the human race to reduce emissions of harmful gases and reverse the global footprint.  

Currently, there are different initiatives for the production of greener energy a light from solar energy, which allow the reduction of fossil fuel consumption or other more harmful fonts.

Heat pumps
Previously, we must know, what are heat pumps, they are like fridges that work in reverse to force heat in from the outside—they absorb it. They are more suitable than electric radiatorss due to their manufacture, since for each kW consumed, they generate 3 heat. In your options is to do the process in reverse. For the cooling of the home, the equipment will work by absorbing the heat and Capturing direct air cooler inside the house.

The elevated levels of CO2 in the atmosphere is one of the main causes of global warming. Many companies have joined the bid to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere (DAC).

 Below we will mention some of the adopted forms:

  • Canada's Carbon Engineering plans to build a DAC facility that would rank as the world's largest, to absorb up to a million tons of CO2 per year.
  • ClimeWorks, from Switzerland, opened this year with one of its plants in Iceland; it buries what was captured in mineral form. It is estimated that it could absorb, per year, four thousand tons.
  • Global Thermostat, from the United States, already has two pilot plants.

All these technologies, together with those mentioned, when inserted in the decarbonization process, represent an important help to the planet because they provide us with fresher and purer air.

Vertical Farming
Currently, it is known that agriculture generates just over 10% of greenhouse gas emissions. One of the solutions to this problem could be vertical farming as a cultivation technique of different products by layers grouped vertically without using the floor as a base and that requires a controlled environment and closed spaces. This facilitates care and can be used as a lightingLED lights to replace sunlight in some way.

Being seeded vertically, the productions, will require less water, and will not need the use of pesticides since they do not have direct contact with the ground.

One of the largest such facilities will be opened in Britain, by the Jones Food Company. Arofarm will also join from the United States, and in Denmark, Nordic Harvest. Another latent example of this innovative way of farming is Japan, with an annual growth rate of 25%. 

Chile participates in the initiative, and although they will take charge of the cultivation of leafy vegetables, they may be the solution to the shortage of vegetables, vegetables and other products in affected areas.

Container ships with sails
The fuel usage, employee for the mobility of different means of transport, has left a significant and impactful mark on our planet. For this reason, each technological advance is designed to reduce pollution, on that basis, why not go back over time and rescue the use of sails on cargo ships?

The International Wind Ship Association, announced that by the end of 2022 will quadruple, to 40%, the total cargo ships with sails. The method was valued by the European Union in its carbon trading scheme, which can give a global boost to the use of these ships. The ships with sails could be a solution to the lack of containers.

New aircraft

Currently, there are airplanes that use batteries for fuel , for short-flight execution, tests with hydrogen fuel, will start in 2022 .

Elon Musk, CEO of Space X ">, has stated its intentions to carry out a program that helps remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it in the thrust of spaceships.

Based on a type of technology, the proposal initiative already is devised and standing: making rocket fuel.

New inventions are made in the Netherlands of electric planes. The construction of a two-seater plane is being set up between the Delft University of Technology and the Dutch airline KLM; On the other hand, in California they want to test an airplane with a capacity of 20 seats and approve it at the end of the year. Universal Hydrogen intends to launch a 40-seat aircraft.

The supersonic planes, will be another of the approved technologies. Over the coming months, NASA will fly its X-59 Quesst and at its launch about 75 decibels can be perceived.

Depending on the performance of what would be the world's first supersonic aircraft, the Concorde could lift previously imposed bans.

The flying taxis are aircraft, expected in 2022. These will bear no resemblance to the ones exhibited in “Blade Runner”, which were similar to cars with propellers, but will have a commercial design, matched to a helicopter for short and quick projects. The construction of more than a dozen teams, with a range of 150 miles -about 241 km each-, is the goal of Joby Aviation, while Volocopter wants to deliver for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, the flying taxi service .

The launch of flying taxis goes beyond airplanes, but spacewalks will have to wait to be executed in 2022. Delivery drones from various initiatives in different countries will also be added to the deliveries of new technologies. Manna, an Irish startup, is looking to expand in Ireland and Great Britain. Wing, part of Google, has done its work in the US, Australia and Finland, and will extend its home delivery service.

New immersive experiences

After Facebook's pronunciation, about your new name change to Meta, the metaverse ;"> became another trend for this 2022. One of the companies that adopted this technology was Niantic, after the launch of “Pokémon Go” , it also launched a pack so that the different developers will implement experiences of this type, and it is expected that the operation of the different social networks will revolve around this area, which is a cocktail between the virtual and the real.

Virtual training will be another implementation that will reach its full potential this year. It will be the moment of expansion for the already existing brands of creation of video game consoles or linked to social networks, as in Oculus Quest 2, from Meta. Víctor Muscillo said that Oracle's Head of Technology and Transformation will be one of the companies that will expand the most in 2022.

He goes on to say that the uses will be varied and together with the University of Bristol, specialists are helped through the use of a new VR technique, interacting via molecular simulations and 'entering' in a structure of the main protease. He also alleges that with this technique scientists acquire a new experience, and the visualization of the behavior of molecules is much best (in atomic detail), supporting the development of potential treatments against SARS-CoV-2 and other infections.

3D printing on the rise

Making replicas of human organs has represented a challenge for science, with the aim of helping transplants, assuming that a patient's wait to receive a transplant is sometimes very long and sometimes it may not come. Attempts have been made with 3D printed organs, but this technology is still under development.

With the bones it is different, example of this are the companies Particle3d and Adam , which are new to this market, it is expected that by the end of the year they could have their first printed bones for the performing implants in humans. The next step would be the impression of heart valves and blood vessels, but all this will depend on the work that is done for its development.

In the course of 2022, 3D house printing globally. This technology appears in 2020. At the start of COVID-19, houses or isolation rooms were printed in 3D, in different states of China, such as Hubei, Xianning. Currently other companies such as Mighty Buildings and Icon, belonging to the United States, seek to build printed housing complexes in California and Texas. Manufacturing can be done all in one place, or piece by piece.

Quantum computing

The first quantum computer was first shown at late 1990s, and in January 2019 the commercialization of the first equipment of this type was announced. IBM, which made the announcement, expects to reach 433 qubits by 2022 and 1,000 qubits by 2023. The advantage of the new equipment is that, just as ordinary PCs have bits made up of codes made up of ones and zeros, these they have intermediate states between them and it makes it easier for them to perform more calculations and in less time.

Artificial meat
One of the countries that experienced the manufacturing of artificial meat was the NotCo company from Chile, a trend that is happening worldwide.

The Economist highlighted that EatJust, an artificial meat startup, became the first to endorse the firm for the sale of such products in Singapore. SuperMeat is seeking approval to market cultured, vegetable chicken burgers. From the US, Finless Food, will also join the production, using ingredients such as bluefin tuna and they are still waiting to be approved to market with bacon, turkey, among other products.

The new technologies of 2022 have come to further revolutionize the world, many of these technologies were designed for our benefit as human beings, some of them will help combat environmental pollution, others will bring new advances to the health sector and the business sector. The evolution of technology, because themajority of the planet depends on it. New wonders will be able to see our eyes and also future generations.

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1 Comment

  1. Sigo navegando en dandorelleno.com y no paro de fascinarme. Muy cierto que la tecnología avanza sin parar.

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