
LiFi technology vs WiFi technology. Will it take 1st place from Wifi?

Tecnología lifi
The technology Lifi allows connection to the Internet through the light of a lamp, a light bulb or a LED television. Connecting via Lifi is cheap, and its connection speed is much faster than the Wi-Fi connection.
Un equipo de científicos de Caltech utilizó tres capas de átomos de fósforo para conformar un material que polarizase la luz, material estructurado por fósforo negro, algo similar al grafito. El hallazgo fue dado a conocer en una publicación de la revista Science, llamado como tecnología Lifi; su estructura hace que el fósforo tenga características anisotrópicas. El colaborador, Harry Atwater, explica que la anisotropía significa que “depende del ángulo”.

Light is a wave, just like the movement of waves in water, and it has a property known as polarization, which allows control of light and describes the direction in which the waves vibrate. Professor of Applied Physics and Materials Science Atwater explains that black phosphorus is a conductor of electricity, which is why black phosphorus structures could control the polarization of light by applying an electrical signal.

As Atwater says in a statement, small structures do this polarization conversion, so you can make something that is very thin and tunable on the nanometer (unit of measurement) scale. In order to have more or less a contextualized idea of what the teacher wants to mean, you should know that 1 nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter), this unit of measurement is ten thousand times smaller than the thickness of a hair.

Properties like these are already present in LCD screens, screen technology liquid crystal, but a black phosphor matrix would be a million times faster.

The speed reached by Li-Fi is so fast that it could revolutionize the world of telecommunications.

Creating a device like this, using black phosphor layers, would represent a better signal reception, through a fiber optic cable, capable of transporting much more data than Wi-Fi.

Analyzing light-wave communications in free space would be like using Wi-Fi at the speed of light, which would be Li-Fi in the future, according to the researchers' analysis. The Li-Fi connection is still under development, but once it is launched, we will surf the Internet a hundred times faster than Wi-Fi.

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2 Comentarios

  1. Gracias por ayudarme a resolver mis dudas.

  2. Definitivamente le das un nuevo giro a un tema sobre el que se ha escrito durante años. ¡Grandes cosas, simplemente geniales!

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