
El surgimiento de Coca Cola, ejemplo de emprendimiento

Surgimiento de Coca cols
La historia del surgimiento de Coca Cola es asombrosa y resulta todo un ejemplo de emprendimiento
Cuando el sol alcanza su máximo esplendor y el calor es irresistible, la mayoría de las personas detienen su andar para comprar una fría y deliciosa Coca Cola, pero alguna vez se han preguntado cómo surgió tan refrescante líquido.
Transcurría el año 1886, cuando a la farmacia Jacobs, situada en Atlanta, Georgia, llegó un misterioso y desconocido doctor con la fórmula secreta de un jarabe que pretendía vender al farmacéutico John Pemberton por un precio de 500 dólares. El valor del jarabe comprendía todos los ahorros del boticario, quien consideró riesgoso comprarlo.

Pemberton did not trust the doctor's fabulous opinion about the syrup, so he decided to try it to check the exquisiteness of the product, and to see for sure if it was convenient to invest all his savings in it. 

After talking for a long time with the doctor, John S. Pemberton agreed to buy the syrup, although doubts about the success of his investment haunted him; Little did the man suspect that years later that syrup would become one of the most consumed beverages. Despite the uncertainty, Pemberton began to work on the recipe, perfecting it more and more, until he created Coca Pemberton Wine, the first name given to the product. 

Months later, John experimented with new flavors to take the drink to another level, but he achieved resounding success when he dissolved the syrup in carbonated water. Tasting his innovative creation, he noticed a pleasant and refreshing taste in the drink. The soft drink not only ended up liking him, it was also the preference of his clients with good acceptance. 


Over time, the product became more popular among the inhabitants of the region, which generated an increase in sales, to the point that the pharmacy became a company and generated employment for hundreds of people.

Coca Cola's company, Bottling Co., also helped boost the sugarcane industry sugar. In the late 1950s, Coca Cola was preparing to make its offering on the stock market, its shares were selling for a price of 12 cents/dollar per share.

That shot in the bag caught the attention of a clever young man named Warren Buffet, who purchased multiple shares. This man may or may not be known by Coca Cola consumers, but the subject is currently seen as one of the largest investors in the world, thanks to his long vision in the business world.

To this day, Coca Cola is known globally, the magnificent personalities who are in charge of the company have invested in large advertising campaigns obtaining a greater consumption of the drink and, therefore, a significant increase in its manufacture. The marketing and advertising strategies of Coca Cola, over decades and centuries, have opted for the visibility and positioning of the brand in order to be recognized like other products launched on the market by the company. It is considered the best known brand by consumers internationally.
But all the work dedicated to promoting the brand is not free, despite not being the company that spends the most on advertising, since Amazon is ahead, Coca Cola has spent millions of dollars on its campaigns. compiled an estimate of these expenses from the company's tax records, which came to $4.24 billion alone. in 2019, average figure representing advertising spending in each year. In the last five years, the company had an advertising expense of 20,000 million dollars, a budget supported by the self-collection in Coca Cola sales. The spending on his campaigns for 2014 was 3.5 billion dollars, a figure that rose year after year and passed the average of 4 billion dollars in 2016.

The 4,240 million dollars transformed into advertising were used to cover the global market and, of these, the largest share was taken by the United States, which covered 20% of the marketing and advertising budget, which represents a fifth of the funds dedicated to the same country. Marketing campaigns, like regular advertising, also fall into the budget.

Every dollar spent promoting Coca Cola has been rewarded with increased sales, which pays off for the company after making such an investment. In 2019, the company invoiced 37,600 million dollars for an assumed increase of 7.9% compared to the figures of the previous year.  

Coca Cola is on the way to a change strategy; This shift is due to the market's inclination towards healthier foods, foods that are free of preservatives and components that are harmful to human health. For this reason, the company intends to make a transition from a soft drink company to a beverage producer, two very different aspects. 

The transformation is already evident, as the corporation has changed the way it sells its flagship product, Coca Cola, and is committed to marketing another range of different products in order to reconnect with buyers.

Due to the need to recover its position in the international market, Coca Cola is developing innovative advertising campaigns in which it shows a new slogan and a fresh proposal by presenting its products as something that unites people.

Coca Cola began as a simple syrup composed of a secret formula guarded with suspicion inside a safe that is unknown to this day; At the present time, Coca Cola fills bottles, jars and cans, in the face of such high consumption that it refreshes everyone who drinks it; It is accompanied by hamburgers, tacos, donuts, among other dishes classified as fast food.

The acceptance of this product is increasing more and more; Despite the negative opinions that it sometimes receives, the company does not stop the production and sale of such an exquisite drink.

Consumers still enjoy its flavor that changes a hot day for the coolest of all. His story is evidence of how something so simple can become a trend and succeed, an example to follow for many entrepreneurial companies that, like Coca Cola, are today at the top of the world economy.

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